Mytaher Haskuka
Mytaher Maskuka (mayor of the Municipality of Prizren, Albania) was born in 1973 in Prizren. There he attended the Gjon Buzuku High School, which he graduated with a scientific and mathematical emphasis in 1992. After that he studied psychology at the Boğaziçi University and obtained a master’s degree in 2001. From 2005 he also attended the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, where he received his doctorate in 2009 in the subjects of psychology and political science. Since 2003 he teaches at the University of Prishtina.
During the Kosovo war , he was involved in a refugee camp in the Turkish town of Kirklareli, where he mentored many Kosovo Albanian refugee children psychologically. After Kosovo war he worked at the UNDP in Kosovo. In addition to the native language Albanian, he also speaks fluent English, Turkish and Serbo-Croatian.